
About hotel

Before we decided to build Hotel Mamut, when you were looking for a modern accommodation in Poprad with a quality cuisine and wonderful view of High Tatras, you did not have many choices so we decided to change it. Thanks to determination of few people, Hotel Mamut was established. Modern space in the middle of the High Tatras metropolis.

Hotel Mamut offers you first-class accommodation nearby Poprad city centre. When you enter the hotel you will be surrounded by modern, cozy and calm atmosphere, and it will evoke respect for an unusual design. Your accommodation experience will be enhanced by a breathtaking view of the High Tatras panorama. Sunsets, sunrises and time after dark are very unique and special moments here.

Hotel is equipped very simple and modern. Rooms are cozy and always clean. Purity and comfort were our priority. Our hotel services includes free wifi, free parking, premium restaurant services and also the possibility of using conference services.

It does not matter if you are looking for a business hotel with an excellent location, a place for a comfortable relaxation in a couple or an interesting place for your teambuilding, we want you to focus on what you came to region of Poprad and High Tatras.

We have enough space

Mamut Hotel offers accommodation in 20 double rooms, two rooms with a capacity of 2 + 2 and three apartments. North and west oriented rooms have beautiful views of the High Tatras’ majesties. If you prefer a kitchenette during your stay, you can choose from the apartments on the top floor.

Food should be an experience

Gastronomy is part of one great experience you experience here. Right next to the hotel, there is Mamut PUB, pub, popular not only for the local people, but also for visitors of the High Tatras and surroundings. During the stay you can enjoy there a breakfast, lunch or a dinner. If you want to know more about our Mamut PUB click here.